Toastmasters: Advanced Expressives

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

We are Northern Illinois' Advanced Toastmasters Speaking Club! Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Our organization has more than 300,000 members. Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 15,800 clubs in 149 countries that make up our global network of meeting locations.

We are known for our Panel Evaluation with three evaluators for each speaker - which allows for very deep and constructive feedback given in a very friendly and supportive atmosphere

We also offer our speakers the chance to brief the evaluators prior to the speech to ensure they are focused on the key elements where the speaker hopes to gain feedback.  

Our goal is to provide the most in-depth, constructive, and supportive evaluations of the speakers we host.

Come visit if you are:

  • Working towards a DTM designation
  • Preparing for an upcoming contest.
  • Preparing to give a special speech
  • We are an Advanced Club and We can help!  

For more information visit our website here: